A ghostly tale


ghost joke

An intrepid photographer visits a haunted castle determined to photograph a ghost reputed to appear there only every 100 years.

Keen not to frighten the ghost, he sits in darkness until midnight - the time the ghost is supposed to appear.


A little after midnight the ghost materialises, and is found to be friendly.

It agrees to pose for a photograph so long as the photographer leaves immediately the photo is taken.

The photographer prepares his camera, with flash facility, and takes the photo.


ghost joke

ghost joke







ghost joke Ha ha, get it?

Returning eagerly to his studio to develop the picture, the photographer calls his partner to come and see the result.

Imagine their disappointment when they discover it is under-exposed and completely blank.

"What happened?" asks his partner

"Who knows?" comes the reply, "I'm sure I did everything right, but clearly the spirit was willing, but the flash was weak!"





It's a play on words from the saying 'The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak'. Corny!!

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