A Week in my Life:

figure at desk

Answers to comprehension

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  1. You can tell from the tenses used;
    • 'must get up' (pres tense; here for future) but 'just managed to' (past tense; this is after it happened)
    • or 'Have to go' (present tense) but 'almost fell asleep' etc..
  2. 'wish the weather had been better and 'like a kid waiting for the holidays', these show wandering thoughts - there are many other examples.
  3. work: meeting in Bristol, the appraisal, other meetings, social: dinner with parents, trips to the park (implied) children's social activities (ballet, football etc..)
  4. This is ironic, she wants the weekend to come for relaxation then realises that it's actually more relaxing at work!
  5. 'please co-operate', please don't put me in the quiet coach' (on train where you can't use mobiles etc..),
  • She has more than 1 child
  • A girl called Nell
  • she likes coffee
  • lives in London
  • works full-time
  • her parents are still alive
  • they criticise her children
  • her partner is called Joe
  • she may have at least one girl and/or boy (football and ballet but this may not be the case!)

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