

How to get IELTS Band 7 or higher

Berni Wall

Finally, How to really address the challenges you are having with your IELTS preparation and move on to IELTS success - and it's easier than you think!


Yes, You Can Transform Your IELTS Practice And Your Band Score - Literally OVERNIGHT - When You Follow this step by step programme



This Is THE Solution To The Biggest Problem That You Face in YOUR IELTS - How To REALLY FOCUS on what YOU need to DO to GET the BAND that you WANT. This Is The FIRST Strategy YOU NEED to LEARN - And Now YOU can get that in this programme.


ONCE you know WHAT you need to DO and HOW to do this then you are ON YOUR WAY to SUCCESS at IELTS


Berni Wall


Dear IELTS Student


Are you making the right progress with your IELTS? , Or is IELTS holding you back from achieving what you really want to achieve - a bright future?


There's a good chance that you have a great dream for your future, great career and a new life for you and your family. But there is one hurdle that is stopping you from achieving your dream and that is the IELTS exam. It is like a barrier in front of you and you know that all you need to do is cross this barrier to move to your future career and life. I am sure that you feel frustrated by this block to your dreams and want to find a way to get over it and move forwards. Even if you are positive about your IELTS study, you know from friends and colleagues that it may take some time before you get the result that you want and this puts your whole future 'on hold'. Far from enjoying the improved quality of life you hoped for, you find yourself caught in an endless cycle of study and exam and although I am sure that you are making progress it isn't happening fast enough for you and sometimes it is just one part that seems to escape you every time you take the test.


I have seen this scenario over and over again, IELTS students caught in the trap of study-exam, study exam for months and months and sometimes for years and years! All the students I met really worked hard, they had huge libraries of books, they read blogs and scoured websites every day. I'm sure you are like this too. You work really hard and you are dedicated and determined to succeed but somehow it just doesn't happen.

And do you know why?




looking through a magnifying glass

You see, learning English is about perfecting skills and the more exposure to the language you get and the more practice you get the better you will be. IELTS is about applying that knowledge of English to certain tasks.


Your exposure to English will be different to someone else's. You may have only been able to practise listening and reading well and not writing and speaking, or maybe your speaking and writing are great but you find difficulty with the listening. Does this sound familiar?


I want you to know that what you are experiencing with YOUR IELTS is not unusual. These differences in skill are completely understandable and all to do with how you were exposed to English throughout your education and life.


I also know what it's like when you're working as hard as you possibly can on the areas that you feel are not as developed only to find that the next time you take the exam you drop a mark in another area.

I understand the frustration you feel when you're doing all you can and giving all you've got and yet it's still not coming together.


I also know about the gut-wrenching worry when you simply can't study any more hours - and yet you still feel that you haven't done enough.


And the first thing I want to say to you is that ALL those problems can disappear, for good, when you get focused on exactly what it is YOU need to do to to get everything to come together for the band that you want. I know from experience that the only way you can do this is to focus on YOU and YOUR IELTS needs.

Your turning point

The first thing I want to say to you is 'it's not really you'. For years I have worked with IELTS students who wondered what was wrong, why despite all the hard work and effort they STILL weren't getting the results they craved.

'You've been preparing in a way that just won't give you the result you want'

You see, the BIG problem is that instead of being able to focus on what YOU need personally to get the result you want, you are reading and studying generic information that is aimed at everybody. It makes no difference whether you are looking for band 2 or band 9 - when you're looking at general advice and information there is a finite limit on how relevant it all is to YOU, and therefore how much progress you will make.

So it really doesn't matter how many books you buy, how much advice you get, unless this is focused on you and your IELTS you're playing a game that is hard to win.

But there IS an answer....

Some people will tell you that the answer is to 'improve your score' yourself by completing tests and your average will increase. And they're right - to a point - this can work for listening and speaking (if you actually DO a lot of speaking). But when you're doing test after test not only is it very dull and soul destroying, it is also limiting you in terms of vocabulary and your English level. I'm sure that you realise that out of all the tests you do, not all of them show a steady progress in terms of the score. You may be up and down and this does not really tell you anything much about your level or predicted performance in the actual test. There's a good chance you've already tried most of the tests and materials that you have and now you don't know what to do next. It's like a catch-22 - the more you do the less you feel you are progressing.

there IS 'another way'

There is another way to move towards the band that you desire, and move to the next level while enjoying what you are doing and feeling more challenged by the work that you do.

There IS an answer to the never-ending hunt for the band you want - and it is to design your IELTS preparation so that you are focusing on the key things that will help YOU to improve YOUR skills and YOUR performance in English for the IELTS exam.

Here's the answer: less is more. Once you realise that if you focus on working on the areas of skill that you need to improve your overall performance in a really BIG way, you can see tangible improvements in your results.

What would YOU prefer? To keep working alone with the uncertainty about whether you are on track for the IELTS score you want? Or to work with great support and help from someone who can give you clarity about YOU need to do to change the situation you are in now with IELTS? In both situations you're moving towards the same IELTS goal - but it takes a whole lot more effort and time to do it alone and you may not even get there - that's the risk.

And, when you're working with great support - you can REALLY focus on the things that will make a difference to your IELTS preparation and your performance. So this is the best way to set yourself up to get the result you want.

And of course that doesn't mean that you won't be doing any work, there is still a lot of work to cover, but that your focus will be on the top 20% of things that you really need to learn and practise and not the 80% of things that are simply for everybody.

And let me make it REALLY clear - this isn't just about handing the responsibility over to a teacher - it's about raising YOUR game - and YOUR practice in English with personal support that will guide and drive you to perform at a much higher level than you are doing now.

So once you've got the guidance to know WHAT you need to do - the next challenge will be DOING IT! And with the support that you will get - you'll be excited about doing it:


Do you have these questions?

  • How do I improve my band scores in all parts of the exam?

  • How can I move away from 6.5 in writing, reading, speaking etc..?

  • How exactly can I get band 8 in IELTS?

  • How can I get ideas for the Task 2 writing? How do I choose what to include in Task 1?

  • How can I improve my vocabulary for IELTS?

  • What do I need to say in the speaking exam to get a high band?

  • How can I do the reading test in the time available, it seems impossible?

  • How can I improve my listening skills so I don't miss anything?


The good news!


The good news is that I know the answers to ALL of these questions. You see, many students have these questions too and with the experience all our IELTS tutors have you can get the answers to all of your questions, challenges and doubts and we can show you step-by-step what YOU need to do.My experience working with many, many IELTS students has shown me all the areas that can cause concerns and because I have been teaching English for over 30 years I know exactly how you can solve all these things


And my experience of being an IELTS examiner has also given me knowledge about what examiners are looking for in order to give higher bands.


This combination of great experience in IELTS means that I have the means to really help you to move forward and get to the band score that you want.


And what will you get?


You'll get real clarity on where you are now with every part of your IELTS .


You'll get daily, focused practice to develop all your skills monitored by a hand-picked IELTS teacher on email and on Skype. Your tutor will be checking in every day to see how you are getting on and will also arrange 2 Skype lessons with you every week.


And how will it all work for you?


You will be focusing on specific areas in each part of the IELTS


You and your teacher will explore the specific things that you are struggling with and you will get all the support you need to address these.


You will get detailed practice in writing and speaking every week during the programme - this will be directed towards the band that you want (we will be working at bands 7 and 8)


You will finally have a strategy for your preparation that will keep you on track and provide everything you need to do to get band 7or 8 in your IELTS.


Make no mistake, the content I am sharing with you here is the NUMBER ONE way to focus your practice and preparation on the areas that YOU need and on the things that work to get you the higher band that you really want.


How to get IELTS band 7 or IELTS band 8 in a step by step process


There's no need to over-complicate this. You make sure you cover all the challenges and concentrate on the areas that YOU need to improve to ensure that all parts of the test are coming together at the same level.


You can only do this if you KNOW what YOU need to improve and if you get the support to make sure that YOU are addressing these areas AND making sure that you don't neglect anything else.


And you will see the differences as they happen


The good news is it won't take you anywhere near the time and mistakes it will take you if you try to master this alone.

That's because I have carefully chosen the content for this programme to make sure that YOU are working at band 7 level and even beyond. After all, this is not the sort of advice and expertise that is available 'anywhere'. Nor should it be.


But it is worth every penny - and the results speak for themselves:


Students like Mohamed

I discovered Berni's blog by chance while I was desperately looking for any help to pass my ielts
I find nothing is better than simple words, so I like to thank Berni since she used to support me and succeeded in reviving my self-confidence after I stumbled 3 times in ielts writing and speaking
Really, I was rotating in the same track, I believe Berni is really professional in picking up concealed mistakes for everyone and she can tailor a system which matches every individual
She didn't hesitate to offer her service at any time and does her best to animate her students
She is really courteous, generous to everyone
I presume all what u need is your patience because surprisingly she is more keen than you are to push you up towards higher skies
Final words; trust your tutor and keep enthusiasm.




And Vinu

Hello Everyone,
This is Vinu.I am a Pediatrician from India who struggled with the IELTS exam
for 1 year with numerous attempts without knowing why my academic English writing was not good enough to get a band 7. In the month of March 2011, I found a website namely WIZIQ which was quite useful as I attended lessons by various teachers in academic writing. But, still I was not quite sure about what mistakes I was doing. Finally, I attended a class of Bernie in WIZIQ which was titled breakthrough in IELTS.
Then we started doing one-one teaching through Skype. She taught me how to approach the exam. We did classes for 5 weeks, in the first week itself I could make out that I was deviating from the topic that prevented me from getting the required band score of 7.Guys, the first and foremost thing is you should believe in God. You have to realize that it is not an easy exam if you have not used English for communication in day to day practice. After that, you have to work hard as well as practice what you have learnt and moreover, there should be a teacher available who can correct your essays and suggest improvements which is really the most essential one in your preparation.
Finally, be confident and perform well on your exam day.

I have cleared the exams (with band 7 in all) and am moving forward in my career.



Or Jessica

I remembered it was 1 am Malaysia time, a thunder storm night that caused my internet connection to keep dropping. I skyped with Berni, I told her how frustrated and upset I was for repeating IELTS numerous times - yes it is the 4th time. Being a non native speaker, I have problems in speaking and writing, however, I don't know how to correct it. I need help.

I had my first speaking class with Biljana, a lovely and smart girl from Macedonia. She was able to elaborate each of the questions very well whereas for me I stopped after one or two sentences. I was really down and felt that I have nothing more to talk about. I wished that the speaking lesson could end earlier.
Soon after a few practices, I found that I was concerned about - whether I am correct in answering this way? Obviously, I was too worried of getting "WRONG" answers and I had forgotten that IELTS is an English language test. Perhaps my worry is due to the culture and the education system that I was brought up with - don't give your point of view if your answer is wrong.
After a few practices I felt better in speaking. i.e.: I was not worried of what topic that I'm going to be asked- I am confident! Besides that, my ideas linked together easier and I was able to respond spontaneously. These are, of course, with the techniques, courage and efforts from Berni.
Writing is always my nightmare! I always wrote and erased a paragraph for x10 times. This is not a joke; writing is something that I fear the most. I have an idea in the given topic but it seems hard to express it in my writing. Therefore, I often ended up "speeding" for my writing test since I had spent plenty of time erased the sentences that I wrote.
My first piece of writing was an essay with some serious grammatical errors and the sentences were too "economical". It was a band 6 essay. After reading some sample essays, I was able to write a better essay - a different writing style which I never try in my essays before. I believe that most of the IELTS students know the existence of "model essays" but tend to overlook it. Perhaps the biggest reason is they feel comfortable with the current writing style and reluctant to change it.
"Read out loud approach" - this is particularly useful for checking. When I read out loud my essays at home, it is easier to spot the errors.

I love this site!! Every morning I log in Gapfillers to check out the daily exercises and read stories. It is definitely a "GAP FILLER", which enable me to learn English at anytime, everywhere, i.e. during breakfast, outing, and before bedtime.
I like flexible learning style. I really enjoy it. I still log in Gapfillers although my exam is over. I believe practices make perfect!

Lastly .....
Thanks Berni! You made my English learning interesting and you absolutely boost up my confidence! It is really fun to work with you. I really appreciated it.



Like these students I know that you can overcome YOUR challenges and move towards your goal with confidence


This programme WORKS like nothing else - to get you to your band score

Imagine yourself, just a few short weeks from now, waking up in the morning and feeling that sense of peace and calm, because you' KNOW what you HAVE to DO to get the band 7 that you really want - and now you're able to focus your time and energy on doing exactly what it takes to get you to that band - AND you've got the personal support you NEED to ask when you have doubts or questions.


Imagine how great it will feel to see your progress and have the personal support to help you get amazing results.


Now I want to put this IELTS programme into YOUR hands


You'll learn ALL my best techniques and strategies for approaching each part of the exam


This is the ONLY programme available that walks you PERSONALLY through EXACTLY how to:


  • Refine your listening skills and use the time before you hear to really maximise your listening ability in the test

  • Learn new strategies that will help you to find the answers to the questions faster and be confident that you have the right ones

  • ANALYSE essay titles in DETAIL, BRAINSTORM ideas AND PLAN so that it actually helps you write the essay FASTER - then you have time for checking

  • Work on PRACTICAL exercises that help you to IMPROVE FLUENCY, MAKE SURE you are really giving good answers and ORGANISE YOUR THOUGHTS to deliver the language level you need for band 7


"How to Get Band 7 or Higher" is designed specifically for IELTS students who want band 7 or 8, and who are ready to step up and do whatever it takes to get the results they desire - to make getting the IELTS exam a reality soon, in order to move in to a new future.


Here's just a sampling of what is covered IN DETAIL in "How to Get IELTS Band 7 or Higher"



Really work on your skills so that you can hear the detail in what you listen to. Focus on skills and stamina so that you can concentrate for longer and not miss anything. Make sure that you use the preparation time before the tape plays to predict possible answers and choose key words. The strategies you will learn will help you with this.


Look at strategies that will increase the speed at which you work with the questions. Look at the kinds of key words that you need to identify in the questions - these may surprise you! Practice different strategies for the different types of question and make sure that you use your time in the reading test really effectively.


How to make sure you hit the ground running when you do the speaking. You need to make sure you use the whole opportunity of the test to demonstrate your language and you need to prepare and practice well for this. My strategies will help you to do this.


Get out of your comfort zone with writing and try new things! You need to experiment with language and vocabulary to get a high band. You have to have good flexibility with language and be able to use lots of different types of structure to make your writing interesting and also convince the examiner of your ideas.You need to know what it 'feels' like to write at band 7 and 8 then you will never go backwards!


Success will come from doing the OPPOSITE of what you are doing now! You will have more focus and that means no more 'headless chicken" but a firm strategy for YOUR practice and YOUR result!


And your teacher will be there to give you all the support and advice you need to get the results you're looking for - and this is CRUCIAL


The difference between what you WANT and what you NEED is not easy to find out yourself. Your teacher will help you to get what you really NEED to give you what you WANT.


The truth is, it's NOT all about going over test after test. Wait, don't stop reading. This is about making sure that the practice you do is laser practice.


In other words, it MUST address the areas that YOU are struggling with in order to resolve these. As someone once said, a marathon runner must train every day BUT they don't run a marathon every day! The transformation YOU are looking for is individual to YOU. It's about YOUR English and YOUR IELTS.


We'll cover:


  • Which areas of your English you need to target - and why by focusing on this you will greatly increase your chances of a higher band score.

  • Why your current strategies and preparation aren't getting you the results you want and how you can change these to be more successful.

  • How to understand what it is you should and shouldn't do to get the success at IELTS that you really want.

  • Common mistakes that can cost you points in the exam and how to avoid these

  • Step by step practice that makes sure all parts of the test are practised regularly

  • Material that wil stretch you so that you go beyond the band you want and make your score even more achievable

  • A complete mock test the week after you complete the programme


You'll be performing for your teacher on every Skype call and this will increase your confidence


You will know that whenever you have a doubt or a question, there will be somebody there to ask


As you can see, this programme covers EVERY aspect of IELTS, English language development, specific IELTS preparation and all the support YOU need to help you as you go through it.


So What Exactly Will I Receive with the "How to get IELTS Band 7 or higher"?


You'll get everything you need, including:


1. An initial assessment in all parts of the test


2. A weekly programme of IELTS and General English exercises (each week for 5 weeks), about 2 hours per day - to develop all your skills. We've chosen a range of different topics to help increase your vocabulary and keep you interested


3. Task 1 and Task 2 writing that you will complete and send to your teacher for correction and scoring


4. Two, weekly Skype lessons of 60 minutes each with your hand-picked IELTS teacher who will practise the speaking part of the exam. go through your writing step by step and look at any other parts of the weekly programme that you need to revise or have explained


5. Support via email for any problems or questions


6. A complete practice test when you have completed the 5 weeks of training


7. Membership of my private IELTS Facebook group



So, who is this programme for?


It's for you if:


  • You want band 7 or 8 in each part of the test
  • You want band 7 or 8 overall
  • You've taken the IELTS before and not quite achieved band 7 or 8 overall (maybe there are one or two band 6 or 6.5 scores in there)
  • You are at least band 6.5 in all parts or are scoring band 7 or 8 in some parts
  • You have not booked a test date yet or your date is at least 5 weeks away from the date you join the programme

(don't worry if you are not sure we can speak about this and if I feel it isn't suitable for you I will tell you)


So what will it cost you to get your hands on this life changing solution?


Well let's put this into perspective. With your own personal teacher to help and guide you as well as all the exercises that you will receive each day this programme represents real value.


And right now - you can get this for £997


Plus you're protected by my "I Love This Training" Guarantee


I'm confident that when you choose this programme, you're going to be thrilled. I also know that if you follow the steps and do the work, you will start seeing a difference to your English and IELTS performance.


Just to back that up, I'll give you our pledge that after the programme ends we'll keep in contact with you until you take your exam, after all we want to see how that day goes for you!



IELTS IntensiveIELTS Intensive
IELTS Intensive. This intensive 1:1 5-week programme will is for you if you are near band 7 or 8 (maybe you are missing your band in one or two areas, or perhaps you are at band 6.5 overall and want to get band 7) but want to be certain that you can get these bands in their exam. On the programme you will look at your performance in each part of the test and work especially on the areas that may be letting you down.

5 weeks

1 matching record(s).

Remember this offer is only for those who are willing to TAKE ACTION really start focusing on their IELTS NOW.


It is for those who are ready to say - YES I'M READY!!


SO Take action TODAY and start on your journey to the IELTS result you really want! PUT IELTS behind you and move into your bright new future!



Want to talk?

Ask any question about "How to get IELTS Band 7 or higher" and I'll help you decide if this is right for you. And if it isn't I will tell you.

ASK your questions here

If you would like to speak to me about the programme then tell me and I'll arrange a call with you.

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