The People's Theatre - vocabulary

aspirations - hopes or ambitions
backstage - adv - to or in the area behind the stage in a theatre - eg the backstage crew = the people responsible for the set, lighting etc
front of house - the business of a theatre that concerns the audience, such as ticket sales
Notice the use of the word 'house' for the theatre, showing its early origins in houses! A full house =
("What sort of house is it? can mean 'What is the audience like i.e. in size or appreciation)
The house lights are the lights in the auditorium of a theatre (as well as those of an ordinary domestic house!) The house lights can come up / go down, drop, dim or be dimmed. (dim - make or become less bright or clear)
Incidentally, we use the word 'house' meaning a firm - eg a fashion house (= company). If you are offered a drink or meal 'on the house' in a restaurant or bar this is a drink at the management's expense. 'Lunch is on the house!' - i.e. Lunches are paid for by your organisation or by the catering establishment. An in-house training day is one held in an organisation, not outside, or elsewhere at some other venue.

Did you know the green room is the room in a theatre where actors can relax when not performing? Members of the cast (actors taking part in a play or film) change into costumes, apply make-up and / or wigs etc in the dressing rooms.
The catwalk is an elevated platform from which many of the technical functions of a theatre, such as lighting and sound, may be manipulated.
The props master / props mistress is responsible for supplying props - i.e. protable objects used on the set / stage in a film or play

from all walks of life - from all sections of society
stage - (did you know this can be used as a verb, meaning put on?) - present a performance of (a play / other show) or organise and participate in a public event eg a firework display. Eg They're staging a school concert next week. A town fair is being staged in the summer.
auditorium - the part of a theatre or hall in which the audience sits
further - additional
a 90-seat studio - notice the singular 'seat'! when used adjectivally. Eg A 2-million pound project.
proposal - noun 1) a plan or suggestion 2) an offer of marriage
première - noun - the first performance of a musical or theatrical work or the first showing of a film
royalty fees / royalties - sum of money paid to an author or composer for each copy of a book or for each public performance of a work
prestigious - highly respected and admired
reviewer - noun - person who critically appraises a book, play or other work, may also be known as a critic. Newspaper or magazine reviews are often referred to as 'crits' i.e. short for 'critical pieces / articles'
review - noun - 1) a critical appraisal of a book, film or play or 2) a magazine, journal or periodical containing reviews in the sense of no 1.
tribute - noun - an act, statement, speech or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect or admiration
neck and neck - level in a race, competition or comparison
packed houses - full audiences

Part 2

repertoire - noun - the set of pieces known or regularly performed by a performer, company or orchestra etc
point out - phrasal verb - make someone aware of a
rightly so - justifiably
to make history - do something important which has not been done before and which will be recorded publicly and remembered for a long time
straight acting - serious as opposed to comic or musical acting
echo - repeat (of someone's words or opinion)
venture - a daring or risky undertaking
a brainwave - informal - a sudden clever idea
catchy - adj - instantly appealing and memorable (of a tune or phrase)
as catchy as they come - as instantly appealing and memorable as they could possibly be
the coffers - the funds or financial reserves of an institution
an 18-month run - a show that lasts 18 months
hiss - whisper in an urgent or angry way; make a sharp sibilant sound often as a sign of disapproval
boo - verb - say the word 'boo' as an expression of disapproval or contempt
join in - verb - participate
a snatch - a fragment of music or talk
Praise indeed! - This certainly / really is high praise!

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