Crossword 61-100

The words in this crossword come from the second 60 words of the day (see below crossword).

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Words 61 to 100

tip of the iceberg
a stand-off
to veer off
to opt for
to google
out on a limb
in at the deep end
to take its toll
a loop-hole
to see to (something)
to press on swings and roundabouts
to wipe the floor (with)
to play a blinder (from sport)

to rocket
a no-brainer
a foregone conclusion
a bombshell
the dole queue
to step up
to map out
an uproar

to draw the short straw
'on a plate'
to dress down
to force someone's hand


to creep up on
to splash out
to harp on
a red-letter day

a crackdown
to take off
to play havoc
to beat about the bush
in a rut
a rundown
to get on with
to get down to
a pat on the back



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