Fancy Dress

fairy fancy dress

I need a fancy dress costume; or rather, my daughter does. Usually, this is not an issue because I am rather clever at adapting clothing or bedsheets thus creating costumes for very little expense. However, this is no ordinary fancy dress situation....... This event involves some four-legged participants and the wearing of essential safety equipment! Are you with me? Have you, by any chance guessed what it is??

Yes, equestrian fancy dress! Not only do I have to find a fairy outfit with a dress that will fit over jodphurs and a tiara to fit around a riding hat, but I am informed that she 'must have' wings and a riding crop disguised as a wand - oh! and nothing that will in any way 'spook' the horses........ Now, there's a challenge! Horses are afraid of anything, from plastic bags to their own shadows. In the mind of a horse anything that is not 4 legged and horse shaped with a tail and a mane is potentially going to eat it! Therefore, appendages such as tiaras, wand and wings are hardly going to placate them, are they? One wrong bit of an outfit coming into the horse's view, and there could be a mass stampede (oh yes, if there's potential for one horse to be eaten by fairy wings then the others share the fear and make a run for it - I've seen it happen, and it's scary!). So, Iam on a mission to find the most horse-friendly fairy costume I can (try to explain THAT over the telephone!) - mmm, how about some lovely sequinned blinkers??

horse in fancy dress

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