Diary of a 21st Century nobody - Rush, rush


It has been a very hectic fortnight and I need to sew up my pockets at some point.

We had to attend school for the first pupil assessments of the year, and that was a pleasing, if rushed, evening; daughter is doing very well, and that is good to hear. However, I do need to find some time to sew up my pockets.

Hubby has been away on a training programme for 3 days. Isn't it odd that you never realise quite how much someone does until they are not there to do it? I had to 'pick up the slack' as a result of his absence, but I really do need to sew up my pockets.

Our son has resumed guitar lessons and joined a band, so he needs ferrying to his lesson and then practice. Somehow, these 'taxi' journeys always seem to end up coinciding with rush hour and that doubles the journey time, and I really must get on with sewing up my pockets.

I also made a rash promise to deliver some books on behalf of a family member who sees himself as the new JK Rowling, but unable to find a publisher for his work, has decided to self publish. Shockingly, some people have paid, actually paid, to read it!! Anyway, back and forth to the Post Office I had to go, with padded envelopes, recipient addresses, and the aforesaid books, only to discover that a good number of them had to be posted overseas. That cost me a good deal more than expected, and a lot of time and I really, really have to get my pockets sewn up!


sewing kit



Unbelievably, my social life has taken a turn for the better of late! I have been out at events for 8 of the last 14 evenings of this fortnight, and as welcome as that may be, I so have sew up my pockets you know!

We have a wedding coming up very soon, and I need a gown to wear. That has meant shopping - and that is my nemesis! So, I tried out a couple of gown rental shops nearby, and took a trip to department stores and a 'stroll' online too. Now this all takes up a lot of time, and I absolutely have to sew up my pockets! Daughter is going to be a bridesmaid at this wedding, and in order to be ready for the dress-fitting I had to purchase shoes for her, too. Treble nemesis! - 1) shopping 2) shopping with daughter and 3) shopping with daughter for shoes!!! All of this is eating up my time, and it is imperative that I get those pockets sewn up.

We returned from shopping to discover that 2 new business cases had been sent to me. This is usually a cause for celebration, but it just adds to my current burden and NONE OF THIS IS HELPING ME TO SEW UP MY POCKETS!!

So, I have decided to create a brand new work rota for all the family, so we can share the burden and stabilise matters. Everyone agreed to work with the system. Hurrah!

Oh, the 'sew up my pockets' issue.....You probably wonder what all that is about?? Well, I had 25 minutes last Wednesday in which to get the weekly shop done; I walked - no, ran- into the supermarket, dug my hand into my coat pocket to pull out the hastily compiled shopping list I had prepared, and found 4 of them. 4 shopping lists!! Each one different from the other 3! I had no idea which was the current one and which 3 were the old ones I had evidently left in the pocket. Now I had 20 minutes to shop for items that I had no idea whether I needed or not. This reduced the event to a crazed trolley dash which was in no way successful, as I now have far too much of some products and none of others! I therefore figure that, if I sew up my coat pockets, I won't have that problem again........



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