Diary of a 21st Century nobody - Such style!

fashion police

Iam no style icon, and you already know that my nemesis is shopping, so we can safely assume that my dress sense is - shall we say - 'quiet and unassuming'? I wear a lot of black!!

Fortunately, I work from home, so have no need for 'executive' or office daywear, which is great as far as I'm concerned. So, you may ask, where is all this unimportant information leading?? Well, I have become lazy. I can happily slop around in old jeans and a jumper, or jogging bottoms and a shirt and, as people rarely see me, I have almost adopted them as a uniform!

However, I recently had something of a 'wake up call'!.....

Whilst picking up my son from a location I had not been to before, and all very much at the last minute (typical for my son, I must add!!), I rushed to the car whilst slipping into a pair of 'driving shoes' which had been left by the front door. I didn't bother with a coat, despite the snow and ice, since I was only required to draw up outside the house, sound the car horn, and wait for son to come to car. Easy? Well, supposedly.

On arrival I pulled up to the kerb, beeped the horn, and waited. And waited. And waited. No son.

dress sense cartoon
socks and sandals prohibited

I began to wonder if I had the wrong address, but in my rush to leave the house I had left behind my mobile phone. I was, however, fairly sure that I was at the correct location, but maybe not at the exact house. I decided to check the house numbers, and I was indeed too far up the road. Well, I decided, son will not hear my car horn from here but I'm not shuffling this car back down the road to re-park! So, I picked my way carefully along the snowy street to the correct property, knocked on the door, and asked for my son.

It was not until we were half way home that son, who had obviously been mulling over the situation asked "Did you mean to call at the front door?"

"Not originally. Was it a problem?" I replied.

"Well, not for me, but I doubt that you meant to get out of the car until we got home."

"Why?" I asked, somewhat shocked by his statement.

"Well, erm...well.......because of how you..., well, what you are - 'wearing'" came the reply.

Only then, only at that point did I look at my attire:

Hubby's blue jumper (4 sizes too big for me, at least!), an old pair of very faded black/grey jodhpurs, pink fluffy ankle socks pulled over the ankle cuffs of the said jodhpurs, and a pair of bright blue - in fact, electric blue, plastic sandals!! OH MY WORD, I can never return to that location again....

Urgent re-style required!





dress sense cartoon



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