Diary of a 21st Century nobody - Objection!

I was listening to people on the radio today discussing their motoring 'gripes': you know, the sort of feature where journalists trawl a typical high street asking random people about other peoples' annoying motoring habits. Everybody seemed to have a list as long as their arm; 'not indicating', 'driving too close', 'driving too fast', blah, blah blah.

Now all this left me feeling slightly disgruntled; not about anything in particular, you understand, it just left me feeling generally 'narked'. So, to erradicate the feeling, I decided to write down some of the things that generally annoy me, thereby lightening my mood. Goodness me - it ended up being a long list! So, here is a select offering....... 


1) Spending a whole afternoon in the garden planting out seeds and only getting a 50% success rate.

2) Starting the laundry as the sun shines, only to find that, by the time it's ready to hang out to dry, the sun has gone and - oooh goody, it's raining!

3) Discovering, as you finish washing the car, that every bird in the neighbourhood has used it for toilet target-practise!

4) Poking yourself in the eye with your mascara brush when applying it

5) Being the only person in this house that sees all the mess!

6) Writing the most incredible article ever, and having the computer crash before you can save it!

7) Arriving at a function dressed like a superstar and strutting around accordingly; only to discover, when you go to the bathroom, that you have a laddered your stockings and it's SOOOO obvious!



8) Spending 2 hours lovingly watering all your summer garden plants, and completing the task just as the heavens open and it pours down with rain!

9) Stubbing your toe on the leg of the bed that has been in the same position in that bedroom for the last 5 years. How could you not know it was there????

10) Walking into the bathroom(s) in the house and having to put the toilet seat down - EVERY TIME!

11) Discovering that someone has found your hiding place for the chocolate biscuits......and left you the empty wrapper!

12) Always ensuring you return a borrowed pen, but finding nobody affords you the same courtesy.

13) Washing, ironing and folding your children's laundry and placing it neatly in their bedrooms, only to find it ON THE BEDROOM FLOOR the next day!!

14) People not putting the top on jars and bottles correctly. Why only me???

15) DOG HAIRS - anywhere but on the dog!

And then it struck me........ooh dear, I think I have some issues, dont you???





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