Diary of a 21st Century Nobody - Sweet dreams

winding road

Hubby and I were recently reminiscing about the times before the children were born - things like reading the Sunday papers uninterrupted, having more money in the bank, and going to the holiday destinations that we wanted! It brought back to mind some great times we had had, and we enjoyed sharing the stories with the children who, of course, though that we never did anything before they came along.

One particular holiday we discussed brought to the fore a whole raft of great memories. We had decided to drive to the South of France via Paris and the Loire Valley over a period of 3 weeks.

It was a glorious holiday - breakfasts at local patisseries as the sun rose after a long night's driving, trawling around the champagne region and sampling the goods, picnics by the river Loire, and visiting the wonderful chateaux on our route. We travelled where and when we wanted, and at a pace that suited us. If we wanted to stay somewhere overnight we would, or if a place just didn't appeal we drove on.

It was a little bit magical....

loire valley village


asleep in car

embarassed smiley

Then, we recalled an incident that amused the children no end when we related it to them.

We were driving through the mountains on our way to the Cote D'Azur. This had entailed a long, long day of driving but we were determined to 'eat up the miles' and get as near to our destination as we could before fatigue overtook us. Finally, at approximately 3am we could drive no more. Unfortunately, due to the late hour we were unable to get onto a campsite for the night, so we found a country lane with a handy, if small, lay-by in which we could park the car and get some sleep: exhausted as we were, we just slept in the front of the car where we sat; this was a lane in the middle of nowhere, nobody would see us.... So, imagine our surprise when we woke at 7.30am to discover 8 French schoolchildren and their respective parents peering in at the 2 foreigners asleep in their car - which was parked in the school bus stop!! Aaaagh....:-{



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