Free exercises - May 2012

man with question mark


Welcome to the May edition of the Free Exercises Newsletter.

So, did we intrigue you with our announcement last month of changes to this part of the site??? Well, perhaps we should keep you in suspense just a little longer.........;-))

In the meantime, here's what we are offering in the Free Exercises area this month:

Your grammar exercise is all about subject and object questions with 'what' and 'who', whilst the vocabulary exercise is about time idioms. See how many you recognise!


Do you remember your early days at school? Take a look at our featured poem , Pastures New. Does it 'ring a bell' with you?(nice music idiom there!) There's a lovely dedication at the foot of the poem, and it proves that, no matter how long ago it may have been, first school days through the ages have nearly always had a long and profound affect on us!

We are also featuring a listening exercise on cave-diving and caving. Our 21st Century Nobody has a peculiar encounter whilst walking in the woods, and we reach the final episode of the 'Diary of a Nobody'. Now then, do we go back to the beginning of the series and replay it all, or do we have something else 'up our sleeve'? (ha ha, a clothing idiom) - .................

See you soon, with the details!


watch this space

What are we planning next????


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