Blackberry and apple crumble

apple & blackberry crumble

Serves 4- 6


Crumble Topping

225g Plain or wholewheat flour

75g Butter (room temperature)

75g - 110g Soft Brown Sugar (to taste)


600g Cooking Apples

300g Blackberries

25g Soft Brown Sugar

2 tablespoons of Water


Pre-heat the oven to gas 4 or 180 centigrade.

Core, peel and slice the apples and place in a saucepan with the water and sugar. Cook gently until the apples are soft. Put the cooked apples into a casserole dish (1.75 litre). Rinse the blackberries and mix gently with the cooked apples . Prepare the crumble topping:

Put the flour into a large mixing bowl and add the butter. Rub the flour and butter together until it looks crumbly and the butter has been evenly dispersed through the flour. Add the sugar and mix together to ensure that everything is combined.

Sprinkle the crumble topping evenly over the top the cooked apples and blackberries using a fork to even out the distribution but don't press it down.

Cook in the oven for 30 - 40 minutes until lightly golden brown.

If the weather is kind and the days still warm, serve your crumble with cream. However, if the temperature has dropped, and the sun is a stranger and you need to be comforted and warmed, serve this with delicious, yellow,creamy custard. Yummy!!!

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