Diary of a 21st Century nobody - Travelling in time, by text

mobile phones

I use my mobile phone to send text messages to friends and family. I use texts a LOT! In fact, my mobile phone contract gives me very few minutes of free talk-time, but thousands of free texts. Yes, the text message service is my communication of choice.

Ordinarily, these texts are quite bland and 'run of the mill'. However, every now and then I send something that is a little gem! Whilst clearing old messages from my phone the other day I found the following message that I had sent to a friend a long time ago, and upon reading it I was immediately transported to a wonderful evening some 3 years ago. The event had clearly had a big impact on me then, and happily this text helped me to recall it vividly:

"We just our usual evening trip to the beach and watched a blood red sun set behind the headland. We wandered down the beach in early twilight and saw the moon appear over the sea- at first red, then harvest gold and then, as it fully rose above the sea, silver - reflecting on the surface of the waves, silhouetting the outcrops of rock, and turning them black as coal, and then reflected like mercury in the rockpools.Stunning. And priceless. The cost? Free! Could have stayed all night. It was truly breathtaking against the lull of the sea, even the kids stopped and watched in silence. And the best thing of all? It had a price-tag I could afford! Sleep well. X"

It's a bit poetic, isn't it? This is a text I will not be deleting from my 'phone, because when I read it I am transported right back to the wonderful sight, and I love it all over again.

Who says all technology is soulless? My text service helped me capture a moment in time and helped me keep it for as long as that message remains 'live' on my 'phone..... Wonderful!

moonrise over sea





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