Diary of a 21st Century nobody - Who's in charge?

We have a dog. We've had him for a few years now. He came to us with a collar, a lead, and a number of conditions: for example, we must ALL take turns to walk, feed and groom him etc; and the main condition - he will be correctly trained. A trained dog is an obedient and happy dog, and ours was going to be under control at all times....

Sadly, my use of the word 'we' was grossly misplaced. For 'we', read 'me'! I feed him, walk him and all the other things in between. Whatever became of the supporting cast I have no idea, but they all faded away over a number of weeks and the tasks all fell to 'yours truly' (me)


ramsay and darcyRamsay and Darcy
ramsay in shaft of sunlight

However, I was determined that he would still be the well trained dog I had wanted us to have, so I began his training at the earliest opportunity. Within weeks he was responding to his name, could alert me to his need to exit the house into the garden to perform his toilet, and could sit and stay to my voice commands. Alerted by my success the kids decided to have a go too, and very soon he could walk to heel, present his paw for shaking, and jump a 3 ft tall fence (thanks to daughter treating him like horse!!). Success!!!

Now, whilst we congratulated ourselves on our achievements, he had clearly seen that training could get you what you wanted.... We thought WE were the trainers and the dog the trainee, but it appears perhaps this is not the case.. He has taught us that when he prods the fireguard with his nose he wants to be let out into the garden; if he stands in front of a chair with his nose resting on the seat he requires someone to remove any cushion that may be resting there in order that he can sit there! If he pulls his bed around he requires it plumping up so that he can lie down. Tapping his water bowl with a paw means he wants the water refreshing please....and what's more is, we learnt quickly! Ramsay has simply been very, very good at training us; or is it that we are quick at picking up on his techniques? Who knows? How bizarre!





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